Who We Are
The Industrial Solutions engine Platform was founded by leading experts in manufacturing, installation, operation, and maintenance of production lines, machinery, and equipment.
The platform offers advanced training courses and programs at high-quality industrial training centers worldwide, incorporating the latest scientific knowledge, innovations, technologies, and developments in manufacturing and industrial management to harness talent for the benefit of all countries.
Additionally, the platform provides feasibility studies and assistance in securing funding for training, purchasing production lines, machinery, equipment, installation, maintenance, and provision of raw materials, spare parts, and marketing of their outputs.
The platform’s leadership lies in being the first to address the challenges of industrial training in small, medium, and micro-manufacturing facilities worldwide, with expertise and relationships with thousands of pioneers in manufacturing production lines, machinery, equipment, and materials globally.
Our Goals
1. Exploring imported products in large quantities, where the main component is raw materials that can be locally produced.
2. Identifying companies manufacturing production lines used in the production of these products.
What We Guarantee
1. Reducing unemployment rates.
2. Increasing the contribution of small and medium-sized enterprises to the gross domestic product.
3. Reducing imports and increasing exports.
4. Enhancing local content in various sectors in countries facing these challenges.
5. Localizing the production of goods and services to support competitiveness and create sustainable job opportunities.
6. Expanding production capacities in industrial applications for all outputs of basic industries, transformative industries, and products based on animal, plant, and fish resources, and mineral resources.
7. Enabling the platform to form strategic partnerships with leading global companies in the manufacturing sector in all its fields.
8. Identifying all products in which these products are used.
9. Contacting companies producing production lines, machinery, and equipment that produce products imported by these countries, where these materials are a major component, to enter into partnerships to train unemployed individuals in these countries to operate and maintain them, with a promise of purchase.
Our Objectives
1. Our platform aims to empower every unemployed individual worldwide with their own manufacturing project, whether collectively or individually, through training courses tailored to various qualifications, including illiterate individuals, to operate production lines for micro, small, and medium-sized production projects.
These projects have proven to be economically viable, with large quantities imported by countries, easy and quick to train on and operate, with training periods not exceeding one month, and with a large market for their outputs in these countries, ensuring export potential.
2. Training takes place at manufacturers of production lines, machinery, and equipment in leading countries in this sector, based on the available raw materials in the country, which are essential components in thousands of products imported by many other countries. This includes outputs from petroleum, gas, phosphate companies, and companies producing basic or transformative chemical industries, among others.
3. Providing necessary and suitable production lines, with appropriate quality, according to the type of product, at a fair price, along with providing raw materials for any product, packaging materials at the best price and quality according to the product type, and marketing all outputs within each country and internationally. Additionally, training in maintenance, quality control, safety, packaging, storage systems, warehouses, transportation, marketing, and sales.
4. Establishing partnerships with national development funds, industrial funds, public investment funds, venture capital funds, human resource development funds, national industrial development centers, public small and medium-sized enterprise authorities, human resource development authorities, ministries of industry and mineral resources, external scholarship programs in the industrial and mining sectors, national industry development programs, export development authorities, ministries of commerce, industrial chambers of commerce, small and medium enterprise banks, social development banks, lending and savings banks, supportive event funds, petroleum and gas companies, technology and technological companies, angel investors, business incubators, and accelerators in these countries, to fund training programs for trainees, finance their projects, and provide all necessary support for the success of these projects.